Annapoorana Medical College and Hospitals, Salem.
Foundation course report for the Ist MBBS 2020-21 batch.
Foundation course for the batch 2020-21 was held for a period of 8 days.
Foundation course started with Chairman Mr.J.S.Sathish kumar , Dean
Dr.P.Shanmugam and Vice principal
Dr B.Usha, addressing the students. White coat ceremony was held in which
students took Hippocratic Oath and was a proud moment for students and
parents (FC 1.4).
Dr R.Niruba, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and MEU Coordinator
briefed students on goals and roles an “Indian Medical Graduate (IMG)” should
possess. Group activity was conducted based on IMG and a video depicting all
roles of a doctor was shown (FC 1.2). In” Ice breaking” session students
introduced themselves and were made to talk on their strength and weakness.
Followed which introduction of first year department faculties and orientation to
Departments was done (FC 1.5,FC 4.11).
Overview of MBBS course” was explained to students by Dr.B.Usha, Vice
Principal & Prof & HOD Dep of microbiology. In this session subjects handled and
clinical postings in upcoming MBBS phases was explained to students. Pattern of
NEXT exam was briefed to students (FC 1.7). Session on “Feedback and
Reflection” was dealt by Dr.G.Dhanasekar, Professor ,Dept of Community
Medicine, Students were made clear the difference between feedback and
reflection and the way it has to be presented in logbooks was briefed (FC 4.15).
Dr.T Umamaheswari Professor and HOD ,Dept Of Physiology and Ladies hostel
warden and Dr.R.Mohammed Ibrahim Associate Professor, Dept Of Community
medicine and men’s hostel warden sensitized students on rules of ladies and
gents hostel (FC 1.5).“Computer skills” were handled by panchacharam team.
Making of PowerPoint presentations and using of Microsoft word was briefed to
students (FC 5.4, FC 5.5)
Dr. Vijaya Kumari. N, Professor, Dept of Forensic Medicine handled session on
Small group dynamics”. This is one of the teaching learning methods which have
been given more importance in the new curriculum by NMC. A Group activity was
given for better understanding and to demonstrate the dynamics of small group
activity as well as working as a team. Students participated actively and with lots
of enthusiasm (FC 4.12).
The session on “Medical Ethics-I “by dealt by Dr. R.Arun Kumar ,Assistant
Professor, Dept of Pediatrics he explained the importance of ethics in medical
profession by giving many examples and case scenarios (FC 4.12).History of
Medicine “was dealt by Dr. P.M. Subramaniam, Prof and HOD Dept of Pathology.
He made the topic interesting by putting many historical pictures and narrating
stories (FC 1.10).” Topic on “Time management” was dealt by Dr. S.Sathya,
Assistant Professor, and Dept of Anatomy. She taught, the SMART goal setting tips
and various tools which might help the students to achieve the goal in a specified
time and in an easier way. She also stressed to keep a schedule of daily activities
to minimize conflicts and last minute rush(FC 4.9)“Self directed learning”, the
newly introduced TL- method was explained by Dr. Swetha , Assistant Professor,
Dept of Anatomy and an activity was given for the students for better
understanding(FC 4.14).“ Stress management”, which is very important for any
students who is entering a professional college, was dealt by Dr. Gautam babu,
Assistant Professor Dept of Community Medicine. He taught and made the
students do few simple exercises which can be used to relieve stress (FC 4.7, FC
1.9,FC 4.8). The last session was on “Native language skills” by Dr.N. Venkhat,
Senior Medical Officer. He stressed upon the importance of local language- Tamil,
the language of communication with the patients, its importance and how to
communicate well with the patients for their care. He also demonstrated how to
acquire certain soft skills which are helpful for better communication (FC 5.2).
Dr. Shanta Chandrasekaran, Professor & HOD of Anatomy delivered the session
to the students on the importance of “Cadaver being the first teacher”, its
handling, respect and the significance of body donor’s contribution to the medical
field. The ethical and humanitarian value of cadaveric dissection was stressed
upon. Early sensitization of the students would help them to acknowledge and
practice grounded in professionalism, human values and empathy (FC 4.12).
“Doctor as a team leader” was explained by Dr.S. Senthilnathan , Professor &
HOD of Radiology. This session held various activities to highlight the importance
of doctor as a team leader
(FC 1.1,FC 1.9).Medical ethics session -II” was dealt by Dr.R. Sudha, Associate
Professor, Dept of Anatomy. The importance of informed consent, its types was
explained to the students. Videos on do’s and don’ts of informed consent were
shown for better comprehension of the students. Environmental ethics and the
contribution of students in it were stressed upon. (FC 4.2) ”Medical ethics -III”
session was engaged by Dr.K. Sudha, Associate Professor, Dept of Microbiology.
The principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice
were explained clearly to the students. The importance of the principles of
bioethics was highlighted. (FC 4.3)
“Sympathy and Empathy” session was taken by Dr. V. Thirugnana Sambandan.
Professor & HOD Dept of General Surgery The difference between the two was
explained clearly and the role of a doctor to feel sympathy and empathy for
alleviating patients suffering and establishing medical professionalism was
emphasized strongly. (FC 1.6)
Topic “Patient as a teacher “was dealt by Dr.G. Thyigarajan , Professor, Dept of
General Surgery. The scope, advantages and the importance of active learning
from patients was stressed upon. (FC 4.3)
“Introduction to learning strategies” was done by Dr.R. Sujatha, Associate
Professor, Dept. of OBG. The importance, types and effective learning strategies
were actively discussed. (FC 4.13)
“Interpersonal relationship” session was lectured by Dr.R. Babitha, Professor,
Dept of Physiology and Dr.S. Sindhu Priya. Assistant Professor, Dept of
Biochemistry. The key role of interpersonal relationship with personal harmony
and wellbeing was discussed. The students participated energetically in all
activities. (FC 4.10) Session on Photography was dealt by Mr. A. Karthikeyan,
Tutor, Dept of Anatomy. Beautiful inspiring photos were shared from his
collections. The basic principles in photography, tips and suggestions were shared
to enhance the interest and skill of photography for the students. (FC ECA).
Session on “Bio-safety universal precautions, hand washing and use of personal
protective equipments” started with an introduction for the day by Dr.B.Usha
Prof & HOD of microbiology and sticker “infection control is our ultimate goal”
distribution to students. There was a pretest conducted on basic infection control
practices by Dr.I.Sunil, Assistant Prof and Mr.R.Prabhurajan, Tutor.
Dr.N.Shanmuga vadivoo, Professor gave a detailed lecture on basic infection
control practice and bio safety precautions. The session was conducted along with
audio visual demonstration of infection control practice. Hands on training given
by Dr.K.Sudha, Associate Professor, Dr.I.Sunil, Assistant professor,
Mr.R.Prabhurajan, Tutor Mrs.Sahana, Tutor, on hand hygiene, personal
protective equipment - donning & doffing & bio medical waste management.
Students were divided into 5 groups and group activities were conducted.
All students actively participated and were assessed on hand hygiene, personal
protective equipment - donning & doffing, bio medical waste segregation.
Card activities on needle stick injury management & hand hygiene practice were
also conducted. A dance performance in hand hygiene techniques for each group
was appraised. Prize was distributed to the best performing group and the session
ended with a post test on basic infection control practice. (FC 2.4, FC2.5, FC2.6,
Dr. K.Ponsuganthi, Associate Prof, Dept Of Biochemistry, gave a talk on “How to
interact with peers” with activities and role play, it was well received by the
students and it was a highly interactive session with many interesting queries
raised and got cleared with the proficiency of the speaker(FC 1.3).Session on
Lecture, “How to gain from lecture “ was dealt by Dr.K.Vijaybabu ,Professor and
HOD Dep Of Pharmacology it was well received by students and various methods
to be opted to gain during lecture hours was briefed effectively(FC 4.12). Session
on “Communication skills” was taken up by Dr.Gautam Babu, Assistant Prof of
Community Medicine .Students interacted and understood the art of
communication with enthusiasm (FC5.1, FC 5.3).
A forenoon session of 5 hrs was handled by the Department of Anaesthesia. The
students were introduced to the concepts of” Basic life support” ,management
of unconscious patient before shifting to hospital for further management, how
to support a patient with seizure, immobilization of patient with head injury and
multiple trauma, a patient with profuse bleeding in RTA, and how to manage a
patient who is not breathing, patient with choking. A hand on training was given
in both Adult & Paediatric simulators to students on multiple scenarios during
emergency. Video demonstration of BLS was shown. Students were divided in to 4
groups and rotated in 4 stations. This hands on experience was a novelty for the
students (FC 2.1,FC 2.2,FC 2.3).
Dr. S. Bharanidharan , Professor & HOD Dept of Pediatrics gave a lecture on
awareness on ” Immunization to professionals”, to create awareness among the
health care workers regarding immunization. He spoke in detail on National
immunization schedule. He also spoke on the vaccines available against corona
virus (FC 2.8). Session on “Documentation” was dealt by Dr. T. S. Sundara Rajan
Professor Dept of Pediatrics. How to document events, in the case sheet, the
importance of documentation was briefed to students. It helps to avoid
litigations. Also benefits in research activities (FC 2.9).
“Social media-Boon or Bane” by the Department of Pharmacology, was made
interesting by active student participation in a debate form (FC 4.15).
The Department of Community Medicine conducted a One-Day Community
Orientation Program, covering the Competencies FC3.1 to FC3.6 for 8 Hours, for
the New Batch of MBBS Students as part of their Foundation Course. The
objectives of the Program were to sensitize the students to the subject of
Community Medicine and to enable them to get a taste of what it means to
practice Preventive Medicine in a Rural Setting.
The COP Survey Proforma has been prepared by Prof.Dr.G.Dhanasekar, covering
Demography, Vital Statistics, MCH Services, Immunisation & Breast Feeding,
Indicators of Health and Health Care Utilization of the Community. The program
began with Dr. Mohammed R. Ibrahim, Associate Professor, and Dr. S.
P.Priyadarsini, Associate Professor, briefing the students on how to conduct a
Basic Community Health Survey. The students were then taken to the nearby
village of Magudanchavadi, where they were made to conduct the survey among
the residents of the community, under the supervision of faculty members. The
students were then taken to the Rural Health Training Centre Facility which is run
by the Department of Community Medicine, AMCH where they were given an
Educational Tour of the Premises and got a chance to interact with the staff
working there.
In the afternoon, Dr. R. Abdul Nayeem, Professor in Community Medicine took a
session on ‘National Health Policies and Health Scenario in India’ which was
followed by a session on ‘Health Care System in India’ by Dr. Mohammed R.
Ibrahim. Mr. Balasubramaniam, Statistician- cum- Lecturer, then instructed the
students on how to compile the data, which they had collected in the Community
Health Survey earlier during the day, and how this data can be used to improve
the health of the Community.
Topic “Organ donation” was handled by Dr. S.Sindhupriya, Assistant Professor,
Dept of Biochemistry & Dr. Dijo sunny joseph, Senior Resident, Dept of General
Surgery. They have insisted the importance and need of organ donation in the
present era its indications, harvesting methods, transportation of organs, legal
issues relating to organ donation, procedure for volunteers to register for organ
donation. Questionnaire about organ donation was distributed to all the students
at the end of the session and received back the answers which revealed that a
good awareness about the organ donation was created (FC 4.4).
Career pathway during and after MBBS” was discussed by Dr.V.Thirugnana
Sambandan, Professor & HOD Dept of General Surgery, He enumerated the list
of opportunities in the field of research during the MBBS course , and discussed in
detail about the Post graduate NEET examination patterns and scoring system for
clinical and non clinical sides . Students were explained in detail about the carrier
& job opportunities inside and outside the country after finishing the course. He
also discussed about various eligibility exam outside the country like
“Cultural Activity/ Understanding and respect of cultural diversities and interact
with those with different cultures” was coordinated by Dr.V.Thirugnana
Sambandan, Professor & HOD Dep of General Surgery , Mr.A.Karthikeyan,Tutor,
Dept of Anatomy and Dr.T.S.Subathra, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology .
Students exhibited their talents like singing, dancing, drawing, awareness skit,
poem writing, and memes. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to
know each other in a better way It also paved a pathway for the faculties to know
the student’s cultural diversities, skills & talents in a better way to fine tune and
improve their skills (FC ECA).
Dr.S.Ramya, Assistant Professor, Dept of Biochemistry handled session on
Patient safety” .The importance of Patient safety in delivering quality essential
health services were explained. The significance of International Goals to improve
patient safety in health care was discussed briefly with examples. Students
actively participated in the group activity and videos related to goals on patient
safety were displayed for the students (FC 4.4).” Introduction to research and
use of online resources” was taken by Dr.S.Sabitha, Professor & HOD Dept of
Dentistry .The importance of research in developing and evaluating concepts,
practices and formulating theories were enumerated. The role of research in
discovering and interpreting new facts were highlighted. Discussion about
selection of topic for research, presentation of research paper and steps in
research using online resources are done (FC 4.15). Session on “Sociology in
medicine” was dealt by Dr.G.Dhanasekar, Professor, and Dept of Community
Medicine. The session started with dispensing the pre-test questionnaire to the
students. The Socio-demographic profile data of students was collected. The
introduction of various terms in sociology such as human behaviour, community,
society, cultural factors and social relations were enlightened. The concepts of
Dynamics of behaviour and responses, psychology, attitude and learning, habits
and personality were emphasized clearly to the students. The better
understanding of the topic was assessed by providing post-test questionnaire to
the students and the answers to the different set of pre and post test questions
were discussed (FC 4.5).Dr.N.Saravana kumar Professor & HOD Dept of OBG,
handled on topic “Teen safety”. The session started with describing about gaining
the knowledge about general safety measures and actions taken to prevent
unsafe situations. The concept was made clear to the students by the role play on
teen safety by the senior students (FC 1.3). Dr.S.Ramasamy, Professor & HOD
Dept of General Medicine discussed on the topic “Role of physician in various
level of health care delivery and significance of working in a health care team”.
The roles of a physician as Medical expert, communicator, collaborator, manager,
health advocate, scholar, as professional and team skills in delegating and
understanding responsibilities are focused. The role of physician as a unique body
of knowledge, skills and unique human services that patients need were
enumerated. (FC 1.8)
Session on AETCOM - Attitude Ethics and Communication was handled by
Dr.A.S. Bharranitharan, Assistant Professor, Dept of General Medicine. The need
for ethics and communication from 1 st professional year was emphasized. The
various modules for first year, the hours allotted and the importance of these
modules was discussed briefly. Empathy towards patients and communication
skills were discussed (FC 4.3).
Dr.C.Bharathi, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology and Dr. T.S.Subathra
Assistant Professor, Dept of Physiology handled session on “The role of smart
phones in learning medicine”. Various merits of smart phones like medical apps,
e books, 3D anatomy videos and online journals were discussed. Group activity
was given and the students enthusiastically involved themselves. The demerits of
using smart phones were briefed and the session was concluded. (FC 4.15)
Each day began with student rapporteurs reading out the report of previous day